Index of my software projects and some background information on the methodologies I like to apply.
Typebox CMS
Kiezatlas 2 (Orte API, Familienportal API, Angebotsdatenbank, Website)
Leaflet.annotate (Microdata integration of and Dublin Core vocabularies into geographic web maps)
Web-Experiments (A tool for conducting basic web-based user studies)
Hugo & Wordpress Themes
Khartis (German Translation & Fixes)
Wikidata Topicmaps UI
Wikidata Geographic Entity Extractor
EduZEN Applications (Notizen Timeline, Moodle REST Client, MathJax Renderer, Math Lesson Library)
Associative Audio Library
Info-Touch / SemKingPeng
Over 20 DeepaMehta 4 Plugins (Timeline, Stableviews, Sign-up, CSV Module, Import Export, Tagging, Pub/Sub, Mail, Geospatial Search, Thymeleaf Plugin, Twitter Search, SoundCloud Client, Bandcamp Client, Little Helpers, Images, Poemspace)
Other Software and Scripts (iTV, Yourswing, AudioCanvas, Firefox Add-on, Wordpress Plugin, Nautilus Extension)