Kiezatlas Wordpress Plugin (2013, PHP, Javascript, HTML)
Source code here.
Die LOR-Seiten (2012 - Today, PHP, Javascript, HTML, OpenLayers)
To be documented. Code is live here.
Source code here.
Notizen Web-Anwendung (2012, HTML, CSS, Javascript)
Notizen Doku
eduZEN Installation, TU Berlin
Nautilus Plugin for Ubuntu (2011, Python)
Folder Windows as Canvas (see Open Access Publication)
Firefox Add-on: Annotating Bookmarks (2011, XUL, XML, Javascript)
Audio Canvas Desktop Player (2010, JavaFX Script 1.2, Java, GStreamer)
Spin-off of my diploma thesis.
To be documented. You can find some basic infos here.
DeepaMehta 4 JavaFX Client (2009)
My diploma thesis on the declarative development of interactive graph layouts for pen- and touch driven user interfaces.
Documentation: Trailblazing Web Browser (2008, Java, Swing)
Archived. To be documented.
iTV Prototype (Lua, JavaScript, XML, 2008)
Hyperlinks for videos.
Yourswing: Youtube Video Vector Graphics Annotator (Action Script 3, 2008)
Archived. To be documented.